Submission on Part 3 of the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking) Bill 2022

Submission on Part 3 of the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking Bill 2022 CoverIn October 2020, the Commission was designated as Ireland’s Independent National Rapporteur on the Trafficking of Human Beings.

This accords with the obligation set forth in Article 19 of the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Directive that introduced a legally binding requirement for all EU Member States to establish National Rapporteurs or equivalent mechanisms. The development of a comprehensive National Referral Mechanism (‘NRM’) is at the core of an effective and functioning anti-trafficking response.

This Bill is the most significant opportunity to establish a NRM that applies to all victims of trafficking, regardless of their nationality and immigration status, allowing for a structured and formal process of identification that concludes with a swift and clearly communicated decision.

Importantly, it also provides an opportunity to establish clear provisions for assistance and support.

The Commission welcomes the opportunity to make a written submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice on the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences And Human Trafficking) Bill 2022 and remains available to the Committee to discuss or clarify any matters that may arise.

Download Submission on Part 3 of the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking Bill 2022 Accessible Word