The New EA Helping to Build an Intercultural Society

Today the Equality Authority is hosting the second symposium entitled “What contribution can the Equality Authority make to Building an Intercultural Society”, ~~ part of True Colours, a 2 week programme of events organised by the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism.

The Equality Authority will make its contribution to building an intercultural society by working in partnership with the various interested groups to create a society, -a society that outlaws racism, resources the participation in decision making by Black and Minority Ethnic Groups and takes account of cultural difference within policy making, service provision and the distribution of resources.

The building of an intercultural society is the responsibility of all, but the Equality Authority will be a resource to all who seek to realise their rights and realise equality outcomes. The focus on outcomes require us to examine diversity and culture. The equality agenda is obliged to accommodate diversity and cultural difference.

Niall Crowley, Chief Executive Officer of the Equality Authority stated that the Equality Authority is currently preparing its strategic plan. “It has defined its ambitions in terms of mainstreaming equality and celebrating diversity. Mainstreaming equality is about ensuring equality considerations are a factor in decision making in all sectors. Celebrating diversity is about giving a new visibility to those who experience inequality, their aspirations and their agendas for change”.
