Human Rights and Equality Grants Scheme 2020

Access to Rights and Access to Justice

The theme of the Human Rights and Equality Scheme 2020-21 is empowering people (rights-holders) who face the greatest barriers to justice to access their rights.

The Grants Scheme supports civil society organisations, including community and voluntary organisations, trade unions, groups representing geographic communities addressing poverty and social exclusion or communities of interest protected under the 9 equality grounds including groups led by people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

42 organisations have been awarded a total of €500,000 in funding for projects described below. 

Human Rights and Equality Grantees 2020-21

Human Being/Human Rights

Human rights approach to delivering services in the housing sector

This is how it happens to us: a peer-led call for socio-economic status

Becoming a mental health rights defender

Rights and Resources: Latin America in Ireland

Coming Together

Our Lives, Our Future

Our Lives, Our Rights

Is ageism ever acceptable?

Human Rights in and through Sport

Know Your Housing Rights!

Community Response Project

Listening to Survivors and Supporters

Know Your Employment Rights!

Limerick Travellers: Building Capacity to Access Rights and Justice

Victim-Survivor Forum

Embedding Yellow Flag Programme in National Education Policy & Curriculum

Towards a Shadow Report by the Disabled Person’s Coalition

Shaping Palliative Care Policy using a Human Rights Approach

Making Inclusion a Reality

Barriers to Accessing Rights & Justice for Children and Young People

Equal Access Project

Traveller Accommodation and Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty

Know Your Rights Guide for People in International Protection System

Access to Justice for Traveller Women Experiencing Domestic Violence

Building Collective Capacity and Engagement of Rights-Holders in Galway City

Looking ahead: Choices and Aspirations of People with Disabilities in the context of Human Rights and Independent Living

Empowering Change in Oliver Bond House

Participation of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland’s Shadow Reporting on the UNCRPD

Dolphin House Regeneration – Residents Access their Rights


Is Digital Exclusion Amongst Older People a Barrier to Accessing Justice

Barriers to Rights for People Accessing International Protection

My Say My Way – Participatory Budgeting

Access to Justice Remotely

Empowering Sanctuary Ambassadors

Access to Rights & Justice for Migrants and Ethnic Minority People in Prison

Right to Education Project for Children & Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

Justice – Hear My Voice

The Rights Murals

Rights Made Real: Supporting People Living with Dementia

No Name – Empowering Roma Young People


Grant scheme logo (colour)

Grant scheme logo (transparent)

Guidelines – use of the Commission logo