
Safeguarding the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families, A review of EU and International Human Rights Standards: Implications for Policy in Ireland. A Joint Publication by the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI) and the Irish Human Righs Commission (IHRC)

Edited by Katherine Zappone. Published by the Joint Equality and Human Rights Forum (Equality Authority (Ireland); Human Rights Commission (Ireland); Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; Disability Rights Commission (Great Britain); Commission for Racial Equality (Great Britain); Equal Opportunities Commission (Great Britain).

The Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC), in its second enquiry report, examines the treatment of a visitor refused leave to land in the State. The Report recommends that the Government introduce tighter safeguards to immigration law and practice including a review of the provisions of the Immigration, Protection and Residence Bill 2008 (2008 Bill).