Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the follow-up procedure to Ireland’s combined sixth and seventh periodic report

The Commission previously made a submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in January 2017, in respect of Ireland’s combined sixth
and seventh periodic reports under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

In its 2017 Concluding Observations, the Committee requested that the Government of Ireland provide updates within two years on the steps taken to implement recommendations in the following areas:

1. Access to justice for historical abuses of women and girls (para 15(a))
2. The provision of resources to the NHRI (para 17)
3. The impact of austerity measures on non-governmental organisations (para 21)
4. Access to abortion (43(a))

The purpose of this submission is to provide the CEDAW Committee with updates and information of relevance to the recommendations identified for follow-up, and to assist the Committee in
its analysis of the State’s follow-up report.